Physical Therapy Services

Physical therapy services at MD HEALTH CENTER follow an American based movement pattern approach to treat any pain, injury or disability causing dysfunction in normal routine activities.

Some conditions that could benefit from physical therapy are:


1. Cardiopulmonary conditions such as post-CABG, post-PCI, post-angiography, pleural effusion, respiratory and peripheral muscle weakness etc.
2. Musculoskeletal dysfunction, such as back pain, shoulder pain, hip and knee arthritis, neck spasm, scoliosis, disc slip etc.
3. Neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, diabetic neuropathy, stroke etc.
4. Sports-related injuries, such as ACL rupture, shoulder dislocation etc.
5. Female health and pelvic floor dysfunction, such as diastasis recti, post-cesarean and post-SVD, urinary incontinence, coccydynia etc.



Rehab will provide you complete rehabilitation program to reduce pain and restore activity to the highest level.

Some Conditions We Treated

Back Pain & Sciatica.

Most of the people are suffering from back pain and sciatica. Patient with sciatic pain reports feeling of burning, numbness, tingling in their leg or foot and pain radiates down to their leg. Sciatic pain can be recovered completely through proper rehabilitation.
MD Health Center Rehab help people with low back pain to improve or restore mobility, reduce their pain, improve their quality of life through hands-on care.

Neck Pain.

Presently, neck pain or stiffness is a common complaint among people owing to poor posture or working long hours on the computer in awkward position, sleeping with neck in bad position, & jerking the neck during exercise.

MD HEALTH CENTER Rehab help people with neck pain to improve or restore mobility, decrease neck pain, stiffness, prevent pain from recurring and improves their quality of life through hands-on care.

Gait & Balance Disorders

Gait and balance disorders are common in older adults and are a major cause of falls in this population as they cause unsteadiness and difficulty during standing and walking. They are associated with reduced level of function, injury, disability, loss of independence, and poor quality of life. It usually occurs in patients with ischemic heart disease, neuropathic disease, generalized weakness of muscles and diabetes.
MD HEALTH CENTER Rehab develops an individualized treatment plan to help address specific needs and goals of patient with gait and balance issue. Our goal is to prevent the risk of re-injury, reduce disability, and improve functional independence and quality of life of such patients.

TMJ Disorders.

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders are conditions affecting the joints of jaw and its surrounding muscles and ligaments. TMD can be caused due to trauma, an improper bite, chronic jaw clenching at night (“bruxism”), problems with teeth alignment and poor posture habits. Patient usually complaint of jaw pain, difficulty in opening mouth, ringing in ears, headache, locking of jaw and facial pain.

MD HEALTH CENTER Rehab goal include ease pain and jaw tenderness, regain normal jaw movement, reduce daily stress on the jaw and improve quality of life through hands-on care.

Sports Injuries

Sport Injuries are common among professional and non-professional players during participation in competitions, organized sports, fitness activities, or training exercises owing to poor training methods, lack of conditioning, and inadequate warm-up.

MD HEALTH CENTER Rehab aims to improve athletic performance by preventing, identifying, minimizing, and correcting athletic injuries through a series of treatments. Thus, we ensure athlete return to play quickly, efficiently, and with lasting results.