Your Eyes Are Precious, Get Them Checked

Your vision is one of your most precious assets, and the team of eye specialists and ophthalmologist at MD Health Center are committed to helping you enjoy clear vision and healthy eyes for life. Our eye specialists and ophthalmologists offer a wide range of ophthalmology and optometry services to help you overcome whatever obstacle is preventing you from achieving excellent vision and ocular health. Our knowledgeable, experienced doctors have worked with thousands of patients in need of treatment for refractive errors (nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism), cataracts, glaucoma, corneal diseases and other eye problems. With our advanced training, expertise and state-of-the-art technology, we can improve your vision and your quality of life.

Yearly Dilated Eye Exam

Important To Take
Good Care Of Your Eyes

A dilated eye exam can help your eye specialist or ophthalmologist find and treat serious eye diseases that are common among people with diabetes. Some of these diseases can cause loss of vision or blindness, including:

Causes small blood vessels in the retina (at the back of the eye) to get weak and possibly leak blood.

Causes a “clouding” of the lens of the eye that makes vision blurry. People with diabetes are more likely to get cataracts.

Causes pressure in the eye. If it is not treated, glaucoma can cause vision loss for whole life or blindness occurrence.

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Trusted Expertise

Family care doctors are health experts uniquely trained  to guide you through all stages of life.

Cost Effective

Avoid the inconvenience and high costs of going to the emergency room or urgent care center.


Visit Your Doctor By Private And Secure Video or Phone Call. Protection of your personal information is our priority.

Medical Care

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